Practical Training for Emerging Venture Capitalists

Gain the tactical skills and knowledge you need to succeed in the world of venture capital. Our workshops are designed to address the most common challenges faced by emerging VCs.

Build Your Operational Plan with a Venture CFO

In this workshop, we'll define what it means to be "institutional". We'll help you ID the gaps, prioritize the solutions, and build a roadmap to get your firm ready for institutional capital.

Conduct Practice ODD, learn what to manage

ID gaps from current state to being Institutional, prioritize what to build

Develop an operational plan w/ our experts

Unlock the Power of Data-Driven Decision-Making

A lot of GP claim to use data, but really...don't. We'll help you build a system that gets the right info to decisions makers at the right time to make the best decision.

Build a data plan for your fund

Learn our proprietary 4 Meeting Battle Rhythm

Build reporting for internal use and for LP distro.

We’ll teach you how to run a system that provides the right info at the right time!

Master the Art of Venture Fund Valuations

Learn the best practices for managing a valuation and audit process. Our expert instructors will help you systematize your valuation process and make your audit easier.

Discuss Valuation Policy 101

How to systematize Valuations IRL

Develop an institutional valuation process

We’ll help you build an institutional valuation policy!

Manager Selection for Emerging Venture LPs

The venture ecosystem is rapidly evolving. We'll bring VC LPs together to talk through deals, learn what the best managers are doing, and become better investors.

Learn how venture firms are supposed to operate

Learn how to conduct meaningful due diligence on emerging managers.

Learn what distinguishes emerging managers from their peers.

We'll share the indicators of diligent, sophisticated investment managers who are building the next generations of firms.

Workshop FAQs

Find answers to commonly asked questions about our in-person workshops.

What are the basic logistics of a workshop or training session?
Do you offer remote workshops?
Are the workshops/trainings remote or in-person?
How can I participate in a workshop or training?
What workshops are currently offered?

Hire someone you trust, let us train them to do the job.

We have workshops for GPs, Sr Fund Operators, and those brand new to venture.

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